This past weekend was full of lots of celebrating! Jeeper’s wife Meredith turned 40 on Friday and her mom had planned a big surprise party for her on Saturday. In order to throw Meredith off from her surprise party, we had a big dinner at Kathy Ragsdale’s house to celebrate her birthday. Kathy made a wonderful meal for all of us and we had yummy chocolate cake. The whole Heart and Stewart crew was there, as well as some of Meredith’s close friends and family. After successfully pulling off Meredith’s “fake birthday party,” it was time to focus on the surprise party.
Meredith was under the impressions that she was meeting her family for dinner. Instead, she was surprised to see her family, co-workers, and friends all gathered to celebrate her big day. We had hors d’oeuvres that included Meredith’s favorite foods, such as potstickers, fried rice, quiche, and meatballs, and there was a giant tower of assorted cupcakes! There were so many wonderful things to eat and snack on, but I think the best part was just being there with my “Texas family.”
I’ve always heard “there’s no place like home.” I think we all have. I am very close to my family and being 750 miles from my home in Arkansas is difficult at times. I am so lucky to work with such an amazing family. The Ragsdale family has shown me so much hospitality while I’ve been a part of the Heart family. From playing polocrosse with Jeeper and Meredith, to going on long trips with Jane and Monique, to having many dinners over at Kathy’s house, I feel like I truly have a big family right here in Hunt, Texas. Though I’ll always be the biggest Razorback fan (despite our losing season), a little town in Texas now has my heart. Just like the sign at the front of camp says, “Home is where the Heart is,” and I truly feel like I am at home here at Heart O’ the Hills.