Wounded warrior family adventure

One day on the tennis courts in Kerrville, I met the rare native Kerrvillain (not the official term, but the one I use, for people who were actually born here and didn’t move in). She moved away at some point after high school, but is back. As it turns out, her husband has this idea about bringing wounded military with their families to Kerrville to treat them to a family getaway.

The Arnolds met with Jeepers and me last spring to outline their ideas, and we offered to let the camp-age children of the “wounded warriors” spend a few days at camp, participating in the activities alongside our campers –girls at The Heart, boys at Stewart. The steering committee met recently over a sandwich at Buzzie’s BBQ to flesh out more details. At the moment, we are thinking to limit it to six families, and one long weekend—Thursday through Sunday, July 11-14, which will be the early part of our July Term.

We haven’t ironed out every detail, but it looks like the kids will join us at camp on that Friday and Saturday for one rotation of activities. The committee is looking for people who wish to contribute meals, lodging, transportation, activities for the adults, perhaps a gift card for shopping. There are many possibilities, and I’m excited to be involved.

At the moment we are calling the project the “Kerr County Wounded Warrior Family Hill Country Adventure”. Lengthy name, high calling. Stand by!

I guess those Kerrvillains aren’t so villainous after all.

About the Author

Jane Ragsdale

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Jane Ragsdale (Mrs. Dick Howell) is the director of Heart O’ the Hills. She was a Heart camper and counselor, and served as program director from 1978-87. She has been one of the owners since 1976, and director since 1988.


  1. Cool! I told Grace & she can’t wait to see the girls visit @ The Heart during her July Session. Her uncle was an anesthesiologist in the Air Force. He flew with the wounded & monitored them on the flights to Germany during two tours of duty – one in Iraq & one in Afghanistan. (You know him, in fact, or at least his kids – they all go to the Heart & Stewart. I know they’ll be pleased, too. 🙂

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