My mom and I are very crafty! We sew, paint, scrapbook, and most recently we started card making. It is always so nice to have a handmade card to give to someone, because you are able to personalize them much more than the ones you buy at the local Hallmark store.
About a year or so back my mom introduced me to a program called Operation Write Home. Operation Write Home is an organization that sends blank handmade cards to deployed service members so that they can write home to their families. This is very important to our deployed soldiers because there is no Hallmark in Afghanistan. As of March 2012, they’ve sent 1.7 MILLION cards!
This past weekend my mom and I, along with 5-6 other women gathered at Junction Scrapbook and sat around making cards. Over two days, the group managed to create over 500 beautiful, handcrafted cards, with more to come, for our troops! Actually, most of the credit goes to my mom and her friends, as I was only able to attend and help out for a few hours. Here are some photos from the weekend, to show you what we came up with.
Are you into card making? You can help too! Check out their website: Operation Write Home
Hello there!
I am the Officer Manager here at Heart O' the Hills Summer Camp for Girls. I have been blessed to work here for over 11 years and I love every minute of it! We are always here to talk camp so please do not hesitate to contact us!
<3 Mo--