America’s Team

This past Sunday evening I attend the Dallas Cowboys game against the Eagles. It has become tradition for me and my friends from college to attend a Dallas Cowboys game during the month of December. With me living in Texas and them living all over Arkansas, seeing each other is very hard to do. This is our once a year commitment to each other to get together, hang out, watch some football, and reminisce over our college days.

Me with college friends at the game.

I am a huge Cowboys fan! Getting to be with my friends from college and be at a Cowboys game is almost overwhelming it’s so exciting. This year, we had amazing seats. We were 12 rows up right behind the goal posts. We got a close up view of all the big touchdowns. We were also in a very fun section. There were lots of dedicated fans around us who had their hair painted silver and blue as well as their faces. Everyone around us was cheering and standing up to support the Cowboys. Even Johnny Manziel was there showing his support for the Cowboys.

The Cowboys have started this new thing where they try to get the crowd really rowed up when the opposing team makes it to a third down and boy did it work. When it was third down for the Eagles, everything around the stadium started flashing “3rd Down” and you would see players on the BIG screen encouraging everyone to cheer. This just helped to make the game more exciting and get the fans even more into the game.

The boys getting ready for their next play

The boys getting ready for their next play

Being at a Dallas Cowboys game is just as much about the experience as it is about watching the game. The moment I walked into the stadium I got an amazing overwhelming reaction. It is just so big. Getting to share this experience with my friends from college, plus the Cowboys getting the big win, made it a very successful weekend. I can’t wait for next year!

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