If you’re looking for something *good* to do…

…Take them a meal!

Dick has always said that one of the greatest tools for good should have been television.

Imagine the high callings: education, the ability to uplift and inform great masses of people around the globe in short order.

Instead it sort of devolved to appeal to the lowest common denominator, with cheap and mindless entertainment, stereotyping, and dividing.

So also is the Internet. Yes, I had a college professor who says it was in fact pornography that drove the development of the World Wide Web, and I have heard it defined as “information chaos”. Memes come and go within days that may have endured at least months in days of yore.
Double the recipe and share!

Much was my delight to discover “Take Them a Meal”. It’s a program so simple to use that organizes friends who want to take a meal to a friend who is undergoing chemotherapy or otherwise having a difficult time.

We have a former Heart camper in Kerrville with two small children who finds herself in that situation. She is a working mom and wife who is trying to keep her life as “normal” as she can. Having dinner prepared nearly every night has to take great weight off of her.

“Take Them a Meal” shows the calendar, who is volunteering for each day, and what they’re bringing. It sends you a reminder two days out, and a thank-you afterward.
I think it may be the Internet’s highest calling!


About the Author

Jane Ragsdale

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Jane Ragsdale (Mrs. Dick Howell) is the director of Heart O’ the Hills. She was a Heart camper and counselor, and served as program director from 1978-87. She has been one of the owners since 1976, and director since 1988.

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