Mother-Daughter weekend is approaching and we wanted you to hear about the benefits of the weekend from one of our past attendees! Lorrie attended Mother-Daughter with her daughter Sophia, in the fall of 2014 and this is what she has to say about her experience! Going to the Mother-Daughter weekend was extremely beneficial to us! As we started our journey into the thought of going to camp for the first time, Sophia was extremely hesitant. So the Mother-Daughter weekend seemed like the perfect test drive for us. Throughout the entire drive from Houston, Sophia told me that she wanted to sleep with me and not with the other girls. However, as we drove through the camp entry gate, the look on her face was as if she had just entered a magical wonderland. We had a tour, she met new friends and that really was the start of her having the time of her life….and me being able to witness some much needed independence (she had no problem sleeping in another cabin!) and the joy on her face as we did all of the camp activities. Since it was such a fun weekend for the both of us and I saw first hand how much fun my daughter had, I did not hesitate to sign up for the following summer. It really was a no-brainer. As we left that weekend, Sophia told me she wanted to move to Heart O The Hills!