It’s finally May. YAYYYYYYYY!!!!! Whilst all you camper families still have a wee bit of time before arriving at camp (31 days for first term and 65 days for second term – not like I’m counting or anything…) this is the month when all of our fantastic staff arrive at camp from all over the world to begin preparations for the most amazing summer ever. And when I say all over the world I really mean it; this year we have counselors joining us from the UK, Germany, Hungary and Australia! In my last blog post I announced the themes of the summer for field days and some evening activities so now I want to tell y’all a little bit more about them and the kinds of things campers can pack to be prepared, and also let you know of some new (and improved) activities coming to camp this summer!
Every year we are so lucky to have counselors exhibiting specific skill sets to teach our campers, from swimming and horseback, through to pottery and climbing. This summer we are so excited to introduce a brand new activity (Harry Potter fans – prepare yourselves) Quidditch! One of our counselors from the UK, Jenny, is an expert and so HOH will be given a great introduction into the sport of the wizarding world. Also, campers who are keen to practice and develop fencing skills will be able to with our new resident expert fencer Blanka, from Hungary!
Safari Field Day (Split A campers)
This is sure to be among one of the wildest days on camp! Pack your animal ears and tail, or go all out with a full blown animal costume (brownie points if I spot any giraffes). With this being the first field day of the full term we like to have as many games as possible for the campers, so think firm favorites such as balloon pop and hungry, hungry hippos with some added extras to make this field day a memorable one! (Hint: get practicing limbo skills)
Highland Games (Split A campers)
Perhaps one of the activities I’m most looking forward to bringing to the Heart this summer, HOH’s very own Highland Games will give our campers a taste of traditional Scottish culture. For this event costumes aren’t necessarily required, however bringing a piece of tartan clothing is strongly encouraged, and if any camper would happen to own a kilt then that simply has to come along! Highland Games are a long lasting tradition in Scotland and essentially celebrate Scottish and Celtic culture, especially that of the Scottish Highlands. The games are typically held in spring and summer months where we can at least hope for some sunshine, just as well that won’t be a problem at camp! The Highland Games promote key aspects of Scottish culture, including bagpipes, kilts and well recognized games such as the caber toss (if unsure just think of a big Scottish man in a kilt throwing an almighty huge stick). I’m so incredibly excited to introduce a camp-style Highland Games to our campers!
Throwback Thursday Field Day (Split B campers)
I know what you’re thinking and yes, this field day will fall on a Thursday so it’s all the more authentic. As this is our running field day, sneakers are a must, I accidentally typed trainers to begin with here, whoops #languagebarrier. For this theme pretty much anything goes, we’re running back in time! Open your closet and dig out some groovy glasses to go back to the swinging sixties, or throw on some legwarmers and colorful tutus for an awesome eighties look! Double denim is always a good reminder of those nineties, although perhaps not the comfiest for running a race…I’ll let y’all be the judge of that. On this field day we will also have the regular running field day events including cat’n’mouse race between the Pawnees and Shawnees, tug o’ war and the much anticipated practice war canoe race.
Finding Dory Carnival (Split B campers)
With the movie coming out this summer what better way to show our love and appreciation of Dory than by dedicating our annual carnival to her. This year’s carnival will delve deep into the sea to bring our campers the usual carnival favorites such as dunking the chieftains, carnival games and of course caaaaaandyfloss (otherwise known as ‘cotton candy’ newly added vocab – I’ll get there one day)! There will also be some extra awesome aquatic adventures! Expect the unexpected and always remember: ‘just keep swimming!’
With this information on themes of our summer I give with this blog a provisional outlook on our program calendar for the summer so you can get prepared and even more excited! The same events apply to split term campers for both terms. You can also see other events on camp which merit special clothing, including crazy costumes for vespers and a Christmas inspired item of clothing!
So, there you have it folks, a quick run-through of the extra special goings on at camp this summer. I cannot wait to see the costumes you come up with and dive into another summer of fun at the greatest place with the most amazing people! See y’all soon! <3