25 things we will miss from summer

25 things we will miss from summer

We have compiled a short list of some of our favorite things that we will certainly miss from the summer now that the
camp season has come to an end. Comment below on what you miss most from the summer!

1. Singing in the dining hallSongs in the dining hall at Heart O' the Hills Camp for Girls

2. High noonHigh Noon at Heart O' the Hills Summer Camp for Girls

3. Jane dabbingJane dabs!

4. Campers camping out for overnight.Overnight at Heart O' the Hills Camp for Girls

5. SiestaSiesta at The Heart

6. Skipping under the tribe banner on field daysField Day at The Heart

7. Watching Spot guard the war canoersSpot guarding the war canoers

8. Smell of woodsmoke after Opening CeremoniesWood smoke after Opening Ceremonies

9. The SlideWe love the slide!

10. Snack time after siestaSnack time at The Heart

11. Hearing war canoe thunderWar Canoe Thunder

12. Homemade ice cream with sprinklesHomemade Ice Cream is a favorite at The Heart

13. Chieftains in their regaliaChieftains Salute on the Guadalupe

14. Screaming for pizzaPizza Cheers at Heart O' the Hills Summer Camp for Girls

15. Sunday singing at Cypress HollowSunday Worship at Heart O' the Hills Camp for Girls

16. Cotton candy at carnivalCotton candy at carnival

17. Banging of cups at mealtimes06.11.2016-(38)

18. Ceilidh’ing the night awayCeilidh after Highland Games

19. Cheering when people drop things in the dining hallSinging in the dining hall!

20. Blinky lights before birthday cakeHappy Birthday to You

21. Giggling away in the GuadalepeGuadalupe swimming

22. Clearing up 8000 post-itsSticky-notes prank at Heart O' the Hills

23. Dodgeball GamesAn all camp favorite: Dodgeball

24. War whooping after tribe hillTribe Cheers

25. Taps sounding softly
Taps sounding softly...


About the Author

Monique Richard Cikota

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Hello there! I am the Officer Manager here at Heart O' the Hills Summer Camp for Girls. I have been blessed to work here for over 11 years and I love every minute of it! We are always here to talk camp so please do not hesitate to contact us! <3 Mo--