We have compiled a short list of some of our favorite things that we will certainly miss from the summer now that the
camp season has come to an end. Comment below on what you miss most from the summer!
1. Singing in the dining hall
2. High noon
3. Jane dabbing
4. Campers camping out for overnight.
5. Siesta
6. Skipping under the tribe banner on field days
7. Watching Spot guard the war canoers
8. Smell of woodsmoke after Opening Ceremonies
9. The Slide
10. Snack time after siesta
11. Hearing war canoe thunder
12. Homemade ice cream with sprinkles
13. Chieftains in their regalia
14. Screaming for pizza
15. Sunday singing at Cypress Hollow
16. Cotton candy at carnival
17. Banging of cups at mealtimes
18. Ceilidh’ing the night away
19. Cheering when people drop things in the dining hall
20. Blinky lights before birthday cake
21. Giggling away in the Guadalepe
22. Clearing up 8000 post-its
23. Dodgeball Games
24. War whooping after tribe hill
25. Taps sounding softly