There’s not much you can do before you leave camp except ‘be still…take it in a while’. That’s what I found myself doing in my last few days of being at camp; I listened to the river running through Cypress Hollow, I learned to appreciate the night time chirping of the crickets, and I memorized every aspect of the sun rise on my last morning at The Heart.
It’s hard to believe that after 4 months at camp and a month of exploring all that Texas has to offer I am now back at home in bonnie Scotland! But fear not my friends, for my time at camp is far from over. Now that I am home it is time to get working on my visa to return next year. And whilst I may not be the person that picks up the phone in the office, perhaps a good thing for those who didn’t quite understand me, I will be back!
Now that I am home my first port of call is to catch up with my family (and sleep). Jet lag has already kicked in as I found myself sleeping til midday then being bright as a button all the way through til 4am. Five months on a 6 hour time difference sure does mess up the body clock! Once I am back to normal I am pleased to say that I will be graduating at the end of November, and then…IT’S CHRISTMAAAAAAASSS!
In the new year I will be representing The Heart at the Camp America and Camp Leaders fairs in the UK, and then I hope to return to camp in the early spring before our May Triple S weekend (hope to see lots of you there!) I might be
far away but y’all have a fantastic team in the HOH office to answer any questions or queries you may have. And no doubt you will be seeing my name pop up on a blog from time to time.
I guess all there is to say now is that I will see y’all as soon as I can! Remember, this is goodnight and not goodbye <3