Due to our dislike for germs and more places for them to live, packages will not be allowed this summer. The Heart’s Office is already echoing with your questions: “What about Camp Christmas?” “How will I get my camper her toothbrush she always forgets?” But rest assured, we have solutions for you!
Double Drop-off: Your Camper and Her Packages
If you’re someone who loves to send your camper a package during the term, there are stills ways to do so, it’ll just take a little more planning ahead. You can bring any packages you’d like delivered to your camper during the term with you to drop-off on Opening Day. This way we can thoroughly sanitize the packages and still bring some cheer from home. This of course includes packages for holidays, birthdays, or just because.
We will have a station outside of the office for package drop-off. Please clearly label the package with your camper’s name, teepee, and the delivery date.
Trading Post Prime
Another simple way to give your camper a smile is through a package from the Trading Post. You can customize your order or easily purchase a pre-made care package that we will deliver to your camper.
Dear Mom, I forgot…
Those essentials that always somehow slip out of the trunk are taken care of too. If your camper forgets their toothpaste, shampoo, socks, etc., we can grab an order for them while we make a town-run. Just contact the Office if ever in doubt about getting something to your camper, and we will take care of it.