For a while, foodies have been preaching that a well rounded diet makes for a happy, healthy individual! Expanding one’s pallet is not only healthy, but it can be a recipe for happiness. Trying at least three bites of everything is part of the camp experience. Who knows, maybe by the third bite of green beans you’ll realize they’re pretty delicious!?

Our girls need nutrition, especially during the lengthy camp days! Encouraging them to eat a little bit of everything encourages the notion that we should take care of ourselves. By expanding beyond their routine, girls get to experience, and delight in, something new.
When I was about seventeen, I resolved to continue to try foods- even if I didn’t like them. Year after year, I tried oysters and didn’t care for them. After I turned 23 they became one of my favorite foods!
Being adventurous is a habit! It starts with little things, like expanding one’s pallet! How can we take huge leaps if we are unwilling to take small steps? We encourage our campers to have the gumption to try small things. Achieving small goals boosts confidence and competence when faced with larger challenges.
Crafting a taste for adventure means saying yes! to new experiences. An adventurous spirit relies on expanding horizons, and embracing every new opportunity.
We are striving to inspire confident, adventurous girls, one green bean at a time.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
Will Durant
Get out there and try some oysters! <3 Kimber