One of my favorite parts about living in Arkansas was the big snow that we got every winter. Every time that it snowed, I couldn’t wait to get outside and have some fun. In true “country girl” fashion, we would get out the four-wheelers and sleds to enjoy our winter wonderland. Things are a little different down here in Texas, …
Competitive Trail Riding
As a little girl growing up, one of my favorite things to do was to go trail riding with my daddy. I never had any formal lessons growing up. Everything I knew about a horse I learned from my dad. Packing a lunch and hitting the trail with our horses was a special activity that my dad and I shared. …
What do we do the other nine months?
Monique reads a lot about the internet and the World Wide Web, specifically social media, and how to use it effectively. And she has been telling us for some time that we must post a blog. Not once a week, but daily. Really? Do people really care to read everything that crosses my mind each day? I know I am …