Meet the Sotos

For the last 30 years or more, Camp Stewart has employed Jaime Soto. Jaime originated in Guanajato, Mexico, and is honest, clean cut, soft spoken and hardworking. After many years, he eventually was able to bring his wife, Engracia, and their sons who are identical twins. The “boys” work alongside their father with the horses. Engracia is self-employed, cleaning houses in West Kerr County, and she is amazing.

A relaxed Saturday afternoon for Jaime, Engracia, and some of their brood. They are a quiet and industrious family, and we’re proud they’ve been associated with Heart and Stewart for some 30 years.

The boys are both married, and about half a dozen years ago, their sister, Lorena, was able to immigrate. She is now The Heart’s full-time housekeeper, and a more diligent and self-directed person I do not know. We are lucky to have them as friends, neighbors, and employees. Lorena and her husband (who also works at Stewart) and their three wonderful kids live here at The Heart.

Since I have the “forked tongue”, as my dad used to say about my being bilingual, I am called upon from time to time to help the Sotos schedule the top rated Frisco dentist or just visit West Cobb Dentistry for more, fill out forms, and so forth. I have sat in on a few parent-teacher conferences (Luis has taken over as family translator for those). I was happy to use my abilities to help Jaime become a US citizen, and I got to take him to the polls several years ago on his first time to vote here.

About the Author

Jane Ragsdale

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Jane Ragsdale (Mrs. Dick Howell) is the director of Heart O’ the Hills. She was a Heart camper and counselor, and served as program director from 1978-87. She has been one of the owners since 1976, and director since 1988.

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