On the Road Again

One of my favorite things that I get to do in the off season is go out and recruit our summer

Our recruiting last year with Francesanne Willis.

Our recruiting last year with Francesanne Willis.

counselor staff. This usually takes me all over Texas to different university in search of young women and men (for Stewart) who will make excellent role models for our campers. This year, a special trip has been added to my route, THE UNITED KINGDOM!

When I found out I was going to go recruit overseas I was beyond excited. One of the biggest reasons was because I have never been out of the USA. I have done lots of traveling, but never beyond the borders of the good ole’ US of A. When my passport came in the mail, it made everything feel real. And now here we are, just four days away from the big trip.

On Friday, January 25, the program director from Camp Stewart Jeb and I will take off for our European adventure. Our first stop will be Edinburgh, Scotland. We’ll be there for three days. We have two days to tour around and get use to the time change before we start recruiting at the fair on the third day. One of the biggest perks of hiring international staff is that we will have personal tour guides to show us around and introduce us to authentic Scottish experiences. So far we have planned a trip to Edinburgh castle, scheduled a ghost tour of underground Edinburgh, and planned a reunion with all of our Scottish camp counselors!

From Scotland we will travel by train to Manchester, England. Our Manchester stop is much shorter than our Edinburgh stop. On the day that the train arrives we will have some time to walk around and see the sights before our welcome reception that night. The next day will be the Manchester recruiting fair. Once again we will have help from some of our amazing 2012 summer staff.

After Manchester, we will head to our final destination London, England. The first two days in London will be work, but we have scheduled an extra two days in London to sight see. We’re going to do the traditional “Hop On Hop Off” bus tour of London. We will spend the day seeing all of the major London sights. On the second day, Alissa and Abby (Counselors from 2012 who are returning for 2013) are coming to meet me in London to have girls day out. We are going to go shopping, have tea at Harrods, and see Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty’s Theatre. The next morning we will start the long journey home after what I expect to be one amazing adventure. Be expecting multiple blog posts about my trip and lots of photos!

Once we are back from the UK I will start my Texas recruiting. Below is a copy of my itinerary. If you know of any young men or women at any of these universities who would make amazing camp counselors, make sure to let us know! We would love to meet them!

Texas State University

Texas A&M
2/18/2013 – 2/19/2013
2/26/2013 – 2/27/2013

Baylor 2/27/2013 – 2/28/2013

<3 Meghan

About the Author

Jane Ragsdale

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Jane Ragsdale (Mrs. Dick Howell) is the director of Heart O’ the Hills. She was a Heart camper and counselor, and served as program director from 1978-87. She has been one of the owners since 1976, and director since 1988.


  1. I am so proud for you Meghan. I know how you felt when you got your passport – been there, done that! I loved traveling and miss it so. However, you can keep me filled in. Love, Nana

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