Sundays at Camp

New Camper Blog Series: Sundays at Camp

Sundays at camp operate differently than the rest of the week. After a whirlwind of a week, everyone gets to sleep in, dress in their finest camp whites, and enjoy the day. First, we start with Sunday worship.


Service is held at our hallowed Cypress Hollow. Jane, our Director, leads each service. Volunteer Voices, a group of campers and counselors, are our choir. After a guest speaker shares a message rooted in our Thought for the Day, campers are encouraged to share their interpretations of the message. Worship is a cherished time where all of camp reflects, sings, and appreciates life.


During most camp dinners, we dine in like a proper family. But on Sunday evenings, campers and counselors raucously sound their Pizza Cheers. Why would we condone an abandonment of decorum? Because, this is an opportunity for age divisions to get creative, work as a team, and scream their hearts out for pizza! Every age division creates their own pizza themed cheer, which they perform on the Big Field. Simultaneously. Meanwhile, Head Staff members walk around, judging each group’s cheer. The winning age division gets to be first-in line for pizza!


Vespers is a time for appreciation, solidarity, and good sportsmanship. This is a special performance put on to show the love and appreciation that camp tribes have for each other. Counselors, Shawnees, and Pawnees all learn songs, dress up in fun costumes, and sing their hearts out to each other.

Sunday Whites

Traditionally a day of rest, we celebrate Sundays at camp as a day of worship and of free play! So we honor Sunday’s distinction as a day of rest by wearing Sunday Whites, which are just that- white clothes!


Each Sunday, we offer open activites. After an extended Siesta, a handful of activities are offered for campers to sample. Activities offered include archery, free swim, riflery, and arts & crafts. But these are not required. If they wish, girls can kick their feet up and crack open a book.

Overall, Sundays at camp are very special to us. Both in subtle and clear ways, everything we do on Sunday encourages gratitude for the lives we live and the people in them. Heart O’ the Hills loves her Sunday traditions!

About the Author

Kimber M

Texas born and raised, I love the outdoors, animals, and time with my family.

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