June 26, 2023 - Counselor Mountain Top
Monday, June 26, 2023
Two birthdays were celebrated today! Andrea U and Olivia L both received cakes at lunch today!
Today the whole camp is a buzz about Counselor Mountain Top!
Today for division gatherings we had an all camp gathering on the Ark! This is where the Firelighters and Sponsors revealed to the camp which hill the counselors would be going up for Counselor Mountain Top! For the former campers that are now staff, it is a special time to relive some of the special moments that happen with the sisterhood, and it also is revealed to the campers which sisterhood they were formerly in! After each counselor was given a sisterhood, the Crossed Arrow campers and counselors stayed on the Ark and the Thunderbird campers and counselors headed to the pickle ball court to do some cheers before lunch! Our all camp gathering today was quite eventful, and it was a good way to start off the Counselor Mountain Too festivities!
Tonight was our counselor mountaintop! This means that the counselors were invited to join one of the two sisterhoods for the night. The counselors joined the campers in going up the hills and cheering. This night is incredible special for everyone on camp because it is the first time that the staff is able to experience exactly what goes on during mountaintops. For the staff that has been campers it is their only time that they are able to be associated with their sisterhood. We are so thankful for this night and love seeing all of the counselors join right in with the campers.
After everyone came down from Mountain Top, we announced our Sister’s O’ the Week. Minion Addie R, Sophomore Holly W, Junior Emme H, Senior Maddie H, Teen Mia M, LITe Georgia C, and Counselor Montse, V
Notes on Closing Day:
June 29, 2023
5 p.m. Open gates
Quadrille at 5:30 for those who are interested.
At 7 p.m. we will host a picnic supper on the grounds for campers and their families
At 9 p.m. (dusk) the Memorial Vespers will take place at Cypress Hollow, where the new recipient of the Jo Jones Memorial Sportsmanship Award will be presented in a candlelight ceremony, presented by the Top Ten Juniors.
By 10 p.m. camper families will have departed and campers and counselors return to their cabins for root beer floats and last night parties.
June 30, 2023
Gates will open at 9 a.m.
At 9:45 the War Canoe race will take place, followed by an abbreviated Naming O’ the Braves ceremony. This ceremony will be shortened from what we have done in the past, with only Tenure presentations, Star LITe, Kitty’s Korner, Sunflower Award, High-Point Campers and the presentation of the Tribe Cup. Campers must be present to receive awards.
Farewells will take no later than 11:30 a.m.
Stewart's camper pickup will take place between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
We have a long tradition (borrowed from Camp Stewart) of "bribing" our campers to sign up for next year before leaving this year.
Each girl who does will receive her choice of a nice "bribe". We will have bribery available at pickup, or if you respond before then, we will go ahead and let the girls choose and receive the gift.
Here is the LINK to the sign up form.
June 25, 2023 - Camp Christmas
Sunday, June 25, 2023
It’s Christmas at Camp!!!
Camper woke up to Christmas carols and trinkets from Santa!
At lunch Santa came to visit and passed out peppermints to all the campers! Santa even posed for photos with any camper who wanted one!
At lunch, we also sang Happy Birthday to camper Scarlet F..
From 5 to 7, we had a few special guests. The Sahawe Dancers performed for our campers and all eyes were glued on them. Several dances were participatory and lots of explanations and background was given. One counselor, Jo G, who has both Apache and Comanche heritage is a member of the troupe.
The Sahawe Dancers are a unique performing group from Uvalde, Texas. For more than sixty years the Sahawe program has been an exciting combination of Scouting, lore, leadership development, and performance. In addition to their Summer and Winter performance held in Uvalde, their colorful performance has entertained audiences throughout the United States and internationally at conventions, musuems, church gatherings, scouting functions, and community events. Their performance is the product of hundreds of hours of planning, preparation, craftwork, and rehearsal, as the youth learn valuable life skills such as leadership, teamwork, dedication, and cooperation.
We held Crossed arrows vespers on the waterfront and a great time was had by all!
We announced our Top Ten Juniors today.
- Coco A
- Ansley B
- Mabel G
- Emme H
- Mackenzie L
- Grace M
- Emmy M
- Ellie M
- Polly P
- Gauri V
June 24, 2023 - Covert Ops
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Former camper and counselor, Bailey M, shared valuable tips on high school and college success during Jane's lifeskill class.
Pickleball achievements are new this year! Gilley worked in the offseason creating different achievement levels for our campers to work towards. Dinker, Pickler, Rally, and Champion.
While at camp, campers may earn medals and patches in multiple activity areas, riflery, archery, canoe, horseback, swim and tennis. These medals and patches are then displayed on their Hearts and they earn points for their sisterhood by achieving these levels. In the past few years we have had campers who have gone back to earn a second round in certain areas in order to receive the points. So, last year we devised a new award called Camp Champ which is targeted to multiple areas of camp focusing on leadership and service. A camper may work on the Camp Champ patch once they have achieved the highest level in four of the six main areas. Lee F is currently working towards her Camp Champ. If successful, she will be the second person to complete this award.
The recent involvement of our teens in leading songs has brought an incredible amount of fun, enthusiasm, and creativity to our post-lunch singing. It's an absolute joy to witness their vibrant energy as they take sing and dance through the dining hall.
Kids who won carnival prizes are chasing in! Today during siesta Abrigo received sonic drinks and watched a movie in the village! Keira C won the opportunity to select her own desert to share with her table at lunch! She picked the dominos cookie brownie! I heard it was amazing!
After our 6th period, we hosted the final divisional swim meet of the term. The meet featured exciting races with kickboards, noodles, and traditional breaststroke races!
Tonight's activity is Covert Ops! This is an all camp favorite night activity. The campers get together with their big sisters and then attempt to run across camp gathering tickets. The catch is that there are counselors hidden all around camp ready to stop the campers on their journey. Another fun surprise is that the heart lites are hidden and if they are found they are either extra negative or positive points. The winner of tonight's activity will be announced tomorrow!
Notes on Closing Day:
June 29, 2023
5 p.m. Open gates
Quadrille at 5:30 for those who are interested.
At 7 p.m. we will host a picnic supper on the grounds for campers and their families
At 9 p.m. (dusk) the Memorial Vespers will take place at Cypress Hollow, where the new recipient of the Jo Jones Memorial Sportsmanship Award will be presented in a candlelight ceremony, presented by the Top Ten Juniors.
By 10 p.m. camper families will have departed and campers and counselors return to their cabins for root beer floats and last night parties.
June 30, 2023
Gates will open at 9 a.m.
At 9:45 the War Canoe race will take place, followed by an abbreviated Naming O’ the Braves ceremony. This ceremony will be shortened from what we have done in the past, with only Tenure presentations, Star LITe, Kitty’s Korner, Sunflower Award, High-Point Campers and the presentation of the Tribe Cup. Campers must be present to receive awards.
Farewells will take no later than 11:30 a.m.
Stewart's camper pickup will take place between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
We have a long tradition (borrowed from Camp Stewart) of "bribing" our campers to sign up for next year before leaving this year.
Each girl who does will receive her choice of a nice "bribe". We will have bribery available at pickup, or if you respond before then, we will go ahead and let the girls choose and receive the gift.
Here is the LINK to the sign up form.
June 23, 2023 - Division Night
Friday, June 23, 2023
Today we celebrated the arrival of a return counselor, Andrea Rugama, who will be with us for the rest of the summer!
We were lucky enough to have another day of cooler weather! So many of our campers took advantage of this to work hard on their achievements! I hear many campers are ticking them off!
Tonight for division night, we had an easy night as everyone was still a little tired from Field Day yesterday.
The Minions and Teens had an absolute blast during their tie-dye extravaganza, letting their creativity flow and creating vibrant designs. The Sophomores, on the other hand, indulged in a delightful treat at Jane's, relishing in the flavors of scrumptious ice cream that left them with smiles on their faces.
Our Senior campers embarked on an exciting outing to Point Theater, where they were treated to a performance of "Newsies." The captivating talents of the cast transported them into a world of music and storytelling, creating lasting memories that will be cherished for years to come.
Meanwhile, the Juniors showcased their inventiveness and fashion flair in an exciting edition of Project Runway. Armed with just newspaper and tape, these budding designers crafted unique outfits that demonstrated their ingenuity and resourcefulness. Laughter and camaraderie filled the air as they participated in this fashion adventure.
June 22, 2023 - Field Day!
Thursday, June 25, 2023
So much fun was had from the Intrepid Adventurers' field day!
The day started off with the exciting forecast of 10 degrees cooler weather. To our delight, we enjoyed a rain-free afternoon, a rare occurrence lately.
A special shoutout to our highpoint campers: Minion Claire F, Sophomore Scarlet F and Leah B, Junior Sadie L, Senior Tobin H, and Teen Addie R. You all made your sisterhoods proud!
The war canoe race was a thrilling experience, with boats racing one at a time. After the race, we announced the Crosses Arrows as our high point campers!
Yesterday, we failed to mention Lee F’s amazing achievement of earning her Elite Archer medal. Well done, Lee!
Tonight, we had a fun movie night featuring "Night at the Museum 2!" Seniors were treated to a delightful ice cream party with Jane before the movie started. A perfect ending to a memorable day!
June 21, 2023 - Carnival
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Riley H and Lee F we're in charge of leading songs! They changed the words of a popular camp song to “Roll Out the Carole“. Very clever! And Carole danced down the aisle.
We got another good laugh when Carole had tall LITe Kathleen H and short LITe Riley D demonstrate where to put the tall and short dirty glasses at the end of the meal.
Victory ribbons were awarded to the T-Birds for most activity credits in week 1 and week 2, and most H&H points in week 1; Crossed Arrows win for most bunk credits, H&H and activity credits in week 2. Teen swim meet was delayed by lightning once again.
Storm threat cleared in time for County Fair Carnival!
June 20, 2023 - SR/TN Swim Meet!
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
After 6th period we had our Sisterhood Officer photos and All-Sisterhood Panos. These photos will be available for purchase on closing day!
Today we announced our new split term officers:
T-Birds: Minion Carolina W, Sophomore Violet F, Junior Alexandra R, and Teen Natalia R.
Arrows: Minion Mariasofia R, Sophomore Tatum S, Junior Kailey C.
Tonight’s evening activity is Mountain Top! This Mountain Top is special because it is our warm fuzzy tribe hill. For warm fuzzy, the Firelighters read the warm fuzzy story and pass out warm fuzzies that signify giving someone joy, love, and happiness.
After Mountain Top, our campers came down from the hills to cheer on the front lawn. We announced our 2nd set of Sisters O’ the Week recipients. They are: Minion Rosie N, Sophomore Alex J, Junior Birdie C, Senior Keni W, and Teen Bella B, LITe Alexis W, and Counselor Ruby M.
June 19, 2023 - Mountain Top!
Monday, June 19, 2023
After 6th period we had our Sisterhood Officer photos and All-Sisterhood Panos. These photos will be available for purchase on closing day!
Today we announced our new split term officers:
T-Birds: Minion Carolina W, Sophomore Violet F, Junior Alexandra R, and Teen Natalia R.
Arrows: Minion Mariasofia R, Sophomore Tatum S, Junior Kailey C.
Tonight’s evening activity is Mountain Top! This Mountain Top is special because it is our warm fuzzy tribe hill. For warm fuzzy, the Firelighters read the warm fuzzy story and pass out warm fuzzies that signify giving someone joy, love, and happiness.
After Mountain Top, our campers came down from the hills to cheer on the front lawn. We announced our 2nd set of Sisters O’ the Week recipients. They are: Minion Rosie N, Sophomore Alex J, Junior Birdie C, Senior Keni W, and Teen Bella B, LITe Alexis W, and Counselor Ruby M.
June 18, 2023 - Saturday? At least at camp it was!
Sunday, June 18, 2023
June 16, 2023 - Goodbye Spilt 1A
Friday, June 16, 2023
We like to keep things interesting at camp! So today we were on a Sunday camp schedule. So the girls got a nice relaxing morning to finish packing and spend the last morning with their 1A friends,
Today was a special worship service led by our Teen campers. Each girl had a special message to share wit their fellow campers:
Olivia Martin only three terms here, yet I’ve made memories and personal growth to last a lifetime. Relationships here are unlike any I made at home. Unlike any place else.
Elena Mayfield This place has helped mold me into the young woman I’ve become. Overcame shyness. It may be only one month but I gain a year’s worth of development, friends and connections.
Riley Hill in denial, nothing else will be like this. Camp is rough… running for office and not getting it. Not making war canoe. Perseverance of overcoming hardships is a gift. I want to leave that gift with all of you.
Emmylou Voelker my 7th and final year, unfortunately. One blessing is memories. Memories happy, sad, good, bad, funny … that we all share and that bonded us together. Don’t blink. One day you’re drawing the bead and the next you’re standing here saying goodbye.
Dani Gonzalez 5th and last year. Camp will always have a place in my heart. Honesty and happiness. Goodbyes are not forever, just I’ll miss you till we meet again
Hattie Martinez my 6th and final year, mom told me about The Heart and it sounded like a dream. Amazing looking back through yearbooks how small we were. Some of best moments of my life. Appreciate every friend and every moment and activity—bunk night, field day, ups and downs.
Alexandra Navarro never understood emotions of 16’s until now. Thankful for parents and all they do for me.
Palm Westrick have experienced 392 days of being a Thunderbird and these memories will last a lifetime. And more to come.
Ellie Schulte 8 terms. I’ve heard Teens say you won’t be ready. I’m not ready to say goodbye to the girls whom I grew up with and they’re still friends today. Former “worst enemy” turned out to be my best friend!
Carissa Smith 7th and final. From the start I was happy here. I don’t remember every activity but I remember the people, laughing, crying, keeping each other from getting scared. I’ve learned and grown and I’m better for it. Tidbit of advice: live in the moment. Life is moments and memories. It’s jarring being 16.
Mia Mangelsdorf 8th year. soak up feeling the stars, laughter, peace, love, true friendship. This is goodbye to camp as I’ve always known it— but not forever. You may leave camp but camp will never leave you. Sounds of slamming trunks, laughing girls, songs.
Sofia Radice 6th year. Laugh and listen to laughs. A good laugh will fix everything. My “old lady” advice is to laugh if you feel like it.
Addie Roberts my 6th. Heart is always my second home. I never thought I’d be 16, feels like I have four years left. When the Cup is announced, I’ll no longer be a kid. Will hold the memories in my heart. Minions teach me to be a kid while I can. Sophomores to have fun and be positive. Juniors to be calm under pressure. Seniors that you grow up too fast. Heart wouldn’t be home without you all.
After the girls finished lunch and ice cream was passed out, we held an Awards Ceremony for our departing Split A campers.
Each girl received an 8x10 cabin photo, an Award O’ Merit (some girls got two or even three), and if they passed a swim, riflery, archery, tennis, horseback or canoeing level, they would have received those medals or patches. If they participated in Volunteer Voices, they would have received a patch for that.
We recognize our three-year campers with a silver medallion with a three-leaf clover design, each leaf being our double-heart logo. We had a few five-year and no 10-year campers, but we did have one seven-term camper who received their seven-year ring—an open gold heart inset in a silver heart.
Each Sisterhood named special award winners.
The minute we had the last spoonful of homemade ice cream after lunch, it was time to bid farewell to our Split Termers. So many re-enrolled for 2024! It makes us glad knowing that we will see them again. We waved goodbye to Nurse Mesha, and waved a returning hello to Joellen, who will be helping Georgia head up our wellness center for the second half of the June Term.
We had to postpone Thunderbird vespers because of proximity of lightning. Too risky to move campers around outside - but we finally were able to hold the vespers and the t-birds did a great job!
Today was the hottest day of the summer! Thank you to our 1a camper families for your stamina and good humor.
June 15, 2023 - Mission Impossible
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Tonight's event was Mission Impossible!
n this thrilling adventure, campers were divided into 8 teams and equipped with dark clothes, flashlights, and pencils. Each team embarked on a mission to find clues in the correct order, being mindful of the lurking Monster and patrols. Only clues with their specific team numbers were to be taken. Along the way, teams could be stopped by the "sing patrol" or exercise police, who challenged them with camp songs and exercises. Staying together was crucial, and any separated team members had to hold hands in a circle until reunited. The order of clues was of utmost importance to avoid time penalties. While teams didn't visit the same stations, they all explored the same number. Station masters checked clues, and going out of order led to a five-minute timeout filled with camp songs. At the last station, teams were assigned numbers, and an announcement was made when all teams reported, regardless of having all the clues. Together, they had the opportunity to unlock a special treasure chest, emphasizing the importance of entering as a team.
The evenings final score was 120 for the arrows to 75 for the t-birds!
June 14, 2023 - Bunk Night
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
This morning campers camp back almost as soon as the sun came up, after having breakfast on the trail! The reviews for overnight were mixed… everything from “terrible” to “just ok” to “great! But overall the reviews were “..it wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected.”
Our classes started at 3rd period, and our teens arrived back from their Mo Ranch trip around the end of 4th period!
Valentine's Day at camp was a blast! Campers embraced the heart-themed atmosphere by dressing in Valentine-themed attire. The day was filled with activities centered around the theme, such as writing heartfelt Valentine's cards for everyone in their tepee and creating small gifts to express their friendship.
In the afternoon, the S'minions participated in the Gymkhana, showcasing their horse riding skills and bringing excitement to the camp.
Later in the evening, cabins came together for Bunk Night, a special time for bonding and fostering deeper connections among cabin mates.
The Teen campers had a sweet treat in store as they gathered at Jane's place in their cozy pajamas after dinner. Jane delighted them with an ice cream party, satisfying their sweet tooth cravings.
Meanwhile, the sophomores had a colorful night ahead as they participated in the Tie-Dye event. Campers had a blast creating their unique tie-dye masterpieces.
A word from...
We have a long tradition (borrowed from Camp Stewart) of "bribing" our campers to sign up for next year before leaving this year.
Each girl who does will receive her choice of a nice "bribe". We will have bribery available at pickup, or if you respond before then, we will go ahead and let the girls choose and receive the gift.
Here is the LINK to the sign up form.
Breakfast On The Trail
Individual Juice
Individual Milk
Kolaches (DSM)
Trix Cereal Bar (9380006)
Pot Roast with mushroom gravy
Roasted potatoes/onions/carrots
Green Beans
Tomato/Mozzarella Salad
Homemade Rolls
Iced Tea, Water
Ice cream w/cherry cobbler since it is ValentineDinner Eat Out
Chicken/beef Tacos
Refried Beans Mexican Rice
Flour & Corn Tortillas
Thought O'
The Day
The Day
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
June 13, 2023 - Overnight
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
The morning started off like any other typical day at camp. However, as the afternoon siesta arrived, the girls busied themselves with packing and preparing for their overnight adventure.
In the past, organizing overnight campouts had always been a major challenge. It was difficult to coordinate activities when counselors were frequently absent on the trail every Friday. But then, a brilliant idea emerged. Someone proposed a simple solution: why not invest in a large quantity of ice chests and Igloo coolers and have everyone camp out on the same evening? It made perfect sense. This decision would not only make things easier for the hardworking kitchen staff but also streamline the activity schedules. With plenty of sites available, different areas could be designated for each group.
The Minions and Sophomores set up camp at the Opening Ceremony grounds, while the Juniors headed to Mountain Lion Maw, near the starting point of Caballo Creek. The Seniors found their spot across the river from the canoe dock, nestled by the Treehouse. As for the Teens, they ventured approximately 20 miles away to Mo Ranch. So the main campground is eerily empty. I know the controlled chaos will be back soon enough, and we are thankful for that.
Orange Juice, Coffee, milk
Cold Cereal
Hot oatmeal
Scrambled Eggs
Patty Sausage
Orsson's Pork Chops
Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Italian Green Beans
Waldorf Salad
Homemade Rolls
Iced Tea, Water Ice Cream
Orsson's Pork Chops
Mashed Sweet Potatoe
Italian Green Beans
Waldorf Salad
Homemade Rolls
Iced Tea, Water Ice Cream
Hot Dogs
Thought O'
The Day
The Day
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
June 12, 2023 - Mountain Top
Monday, June 12, 2023
Yarrow Yard 1 and Indian Paintbrush Box are the cleanest cabins on camp! Today marks their 7th day in a row of perfects on inspection!
Campers made their way through their MWF classes today, and many of the campers are really starting to make advancements in their activity areas!
Tonight was the much awaited Big Sis/Lil Sis reveal on Mountain Top. Lil’ Sisters have been getting little clues and gifts since the beginning of the term, and the mystery was FINALLY revealed last night at a really fun Mountain Top.
After coming off their hills and reuniting as the Heart Sisterhood, we announce Sisters O’ the Week. These are the girls who have done their best all week to bring out their own best. Girls recognized were Minion Fiona S, Sophomore Savannah C, Junior Josephine K, Senior Lizzie S, Teen Lulu L, LITe Sage W, and Counselor Gill E.
Yesterday, an adorable little camper lost her very first tooth! A visit from the tooth fairy became evident as a trail of shimmering glitter was discovered, accompanied by a brand new toothbrush.
A Word About Camper Phone Calls
We have been getting a few calls and emails lately about scheduling camper phone calls. For those of you who have been long time campers, you know that this is always about the time those would be starting.
After a lot of thought and consideration, two years ago we decided to stop this long tradition.
While a good many of our campers are “okay” after the calls, quite a few campers struggle with homesickness after speaking with home. These happy campers are suddenly spending a day or two slightly sad and missing home! .
So, how can you contact your camper:
Send them a good old-fashion letters: Children love to get handwritten letters and we highly encourage that! Always keep your letters newsy and upbeat. It’s a wonderful idea to ask questions about your camper’s camp experience in letters.
Email, a quick and easy way to communicate: While we strongly recommend the handwritten letters, we know that in this day and age we are used to instant communication. And it is often much easier with busy schedules and traveling to just shoot over an email, and have a response waiting for you shortly thereafter. By logging into our CampInTouch system or using the Campanion App, you will be able to email your camper while she is here at The Heart.
In order to send email, you may purchase CampStamps. Click the “CampStamps” link at the top of the page to manage your CampStamps. You will also have the option of asking for a handwritten reply back. This service will cost an additional CampStamp once the email is sent to you. These emails come to your inbox just as soon as your camper turns them in to us. This process is not quite as simple as you might think! Because of our no-electronics policy, your campers hand write a response to you. Once it has been brought to the office, it is faxed to CampMinder using a system called MyFax. With the bar code printed on the side of the paper, the reply is delivered to your inbox!
Orange Juice, Coffee, milk
Cold Cereal
Hot cream o 'wheat
Breakfast Tacos: Scrambled Eggs w/ chorizo
Ranch Potatoes
Refried Beans
Homemade Salsa
Baked Ham
Mac & Cheese
Black-eyed Peas
Fried Okra
East Texas Pico/Slang Jane Salad
Iced Tea, Water Ice Cream
Hamburgers w/all trimmings
Tater Tots
Kathy's Baked Beans
Watermelon wedges
Iced Tea, Water
Thought O'
The Day
The Day
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
June 11, 2023 - Counselor Vespers
Sunday, June 11, 2023
We love a Sunday at camp! Everyone sleeps-in an extra hour, and breakfast is a buffet that the girls can attend in their pajamas. The morning is leisurely (ish), until ….
At 10:30 the Volunteer Voices gather to warm up at Cypress Hollow to help lead worship in song, and today those voices were accompanied by many guitars! It was a big group of voices and accompaniment!
At 11, the all-faith worship service began. The worship committee set us up.
For lunch, we enjoyed the traditional Heart/Stewart Southern Sunday lunch of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and homemade rolls! And we had homemade vanilla ice cream.
Siesta was extend a half hour, after which campers could choose to participate in many different activities which we call “Dabbles”.
As soon as the pizza delivery arrived, the campers gathered for flag lowering and “pizza cheers”. The cheers are a competition between divisions to determine who gets to go first in line.
Counselor vespers was tonight! The staff has been practicing for this night all of summer. All of the campers watched as the counselors danced, sang to their heart's content, and brought out their goofy sides. The campers loved seeing a new side of their counselors and it definitely brought the camp together. We can not wait to see what the sisterhoods sing to us on the next Sunday.
A Word About Split Term Closing
Can't believe it's nearly time to say good-bye to our Split Term campers!
Here is our plan: We will have lunch at 1, our usual time, and there in the dining hall we will call out their names and give each a packet and a tepee photo. So that will be the extent of our ceremonies.
After lunch is dismissed, they will make their way to meet you at the Office and Grand Patio area (beside the Village). We will have their luggage there for you to load up, and there will be cold water too. We also have a freezer with Blue Bell novelties that we are happy to share!
In the Village we will have a display of the campers activity portraits for you to view and purchase if you wish, and we will be offering "bribery" to all the campers who sign up for next summer before leaving. Subtle, I know! It's a system set up many summers ago--and we've used it ever since.
Orange Juice, Coffee, milk
Cold Cereal
Hot cream o 'wheat
Mexican Scrambled Eggs
Cinnamon Rolls
Belgium Waffles w/strawberries, cream
Fried Chicken/Chicken Tenders
Cream Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Sauteed yellow squash
Homemade Rolls
Iced Tea, Water Ice Cream
Lorna Doone Cookies
Thought O'
The Day
The Day
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
June 10, 2023 - Movie Night
Saturday, June 10, 2023
The morning following the dance always calls for "breakfast in bed"! Although not literally in bed, campers were able to enjoy a bit of extra sleep and leisurely enjoy their morning meal donuts before starting off on the day's activities.
Our minions must have been thoroughly exhausted from the dance, as reports of minions dozing in activities was reported. Consequently, during siesta, we deemed mandatory rest necessary, and surprisingly, very few complaints were voiced.
Following sixth period, we held our Junior Swim Meet, and Crossed Arrows emerged victorious with an impressive score of 108 to 71.
For tonight's dinner, we were treated to a sandwich buffet with Lay's potato chips. As the girls finished their meal, they headed to their rooms to prepare for a movie night on the Big Field.
Watching a movie under the starlit sky... could there be a more perfect way to spend a Saturday evening? We enjoyed Airhead Extremes and a small soda while watching the movie "Teen Beach Movie."
A Word About Full Term Closing
Sleep till 8:30/buffet breakfast (morning after final Mountain Tops)
9-10 Quadrille practice
10-10:45 One war canoe (as needed)
10:45- 11:15 Other war canoe (as needed)
11:30-12:30 Naming O’ the Sisters (AM/MO awards)
Lunch at regular time
Extended siesta (packing and clean up) until 5?
5 p.m. Open gates
Quadrille at 5:30 for those who are interested.
At 7 p.m. we will host a picnic supper on the grounds for campers and their families
At 9 p.m. (dusk) the Memorial Vespers will take place at Cypress Hollow, where the new recipient of the Jo Jones Memorial Sportsmanship Award will be presented in a candlelight ceremony, presented by the Top Ten Juniors.
By 10 p.m. camper families will have departed and campers and counselors return to their cabins for root beer floats and last night parties.
On Day 2:
Gates will open at 9 a.m.
At 9:45 the War Canoe race will take place, followed by an abbreviated Naming O’ the Braves ceremony. This ceremony will be shortened from what we have done in the past, with only Tenure presentations, Star LITe, Kitty’s Korner, Sunflower Award, High-Point Campers and the presentation of the Tribe Cup. Campers must be present to receive awards.
Farewells will take no later than 11:30 a.m.
Stewart's camper pickup will take place between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Orange Juice, Coffee, milk
Cold Cereal
Hot cream o 'wheat
Scrambled Eggs
Patty Sausage
Cheese Grits
Cinnamon Toast
Sloppy Joes
Boiled Corn/Potatoes/Sausage
Cabbage Slaw
Iced Tea, Water Ice Cream
Fried Eggplant/Zucchini
Italian Green Beans
Cesar Salad
Italian Bread
Iced Tea, Water
Thought O'
The Day
The Day
. "The most important thing is to be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
June 9, 2023 - Stewart Dance
Friday, June 9, 2023
The dining hall was booming at lunch with excitement about the Stewart Dance. Stories of campers planning their outfits and hair, or what music they hoped to hear filled the dining hall.
Because our first bus load of campers will be loading into vehicles at 7:00PM, we shortened our 5th and 6th period classes. With activities ending at 5:30, this gave campers plenty of time to get ready before the buffet opened at 6:00pm for dinner!
The Stewart Dance is a long standing tradition between both of the camps in order to promote new friendships and a chance for both camps to explore new opportunities! Some of you may not know this but Camp Stewart is actually our brother camp. They are both run by the same family, and that is why we do events together. Because of this connection, we have always loved the opportunities we get to have events with each other. It is always a blast anytime the two camps come together, and we are looking forward to heading over to Camp Stewart tonight for the dance! There will be plenty of laughs, cookies, fun, and dance moves for everyone!
After a few quick runs, all of the campers made it to Camp Stewart for the Dance. So many of our campers went all out in dressing up! The music was upbeat and fun, and the girls danced the night away!
June 8, 2023 - Beach Party Field Day
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Today was an absolutely thrilling day at Beach Party Field Day! To kick things off, our campers gathered for a lively pajama pep rally, cheering with their sisterhoods to kick off the day's energy and build anticipation for the upcoming events.
At flag, there was a spectacular display of creativity and vibrant costumes. Our campers went all out, showcasing a delightful array of Hawaiian shirts, stylish swim suits with trendy cover-ups, and we even had the pleasure of witnessing a lobster and a flamingo among the attendees!
After a delicious breakfast, the campers regrouped with their sisterhoods for some additional spirited cheers, injecting an extra dose of excitement into their already high-spirited demeanor. Following a quick stretch and warmup, the eagerly anticipated events finally commenced! The campers enthusiastically participated in a series of thrilling competitions, including the exhilarating Sponge Relay, the adrenaline-pumping Floatie Slip and Slide Race, and an exciting obstacle course that tested their agility and determination.
One particularly beloved activity among our campers is the Jello feeding extravaganza, where the Minion campers delightfully feed their sisterhood's Firelighter with wobbly, jiggly Jello! The sheer joy and amusement radiate from the Minions.
During lunch, we had the pleasure of celebrating camper Jenna Allen's 15th birthday.
After a well-deserved extended siesta, the campers split into their respective divisions for some spirited games. The Minions engaged in thrilling Parachute Battles, the sophomores showcased their skills in an energetic game of dodgeball, the Juniors demonstrated their prowess in the exciting Cage Ball Soccer, our Seniors engaged in a water kickball match, and the Teens displayed their dodgeball finesse. The camaraderie and friendly competition among the girls in their divisions and sisterhoods created an unforgettable experience filled with laughter and bonding.
At the eagerly awaited announcement, we recognized the High Point Campers who had earned the most points for their sisterhood in each division. A heartfelt congratulations to Royar B (Minion), Ava V (Sophomore), Mom B and Emma H (Junior), Maddie H (Senior), and Addie R (Teen). The Crossed Arrow sisterhood emerged victorious in this exhilarating field day.
As the day progressed into the evening, the campers eagerly anticipated Seminar Night, a delightful activity where they had the opportunity to choose an activity of their preference. A diverse range of engaging activities were on offer, including captivating Native American Hoop Dancing, artistic Canvas Painting, thrilling Archery Games, vibrant Fiesta celebrations, intricate Cross Stitch - Canvas, entertaining Card Games, crafty creation of Necklaces from Rags, artistic Cookie Decorating, the art of making Friendship Bracelets, creative Leatherworks, a soothing Spa Night, imaginative Chalk Art, the joy of molding Modeling Clay Animals, engaging Board Games, and even the chance to learn Cooking with Cindy! The campers are undoubtedly in for a fantastic night filled with laughter, creativity, and unforgettable experiences.
Here’s the setting: laundry days are Monday through Friday, with each division having their day. Once everybody’s had a laundry day, then the rotation is every seven days for each person. The problem is getting it started… The last division in line has to hold out for 10 days before getting their clothes washed.
Apparently, our little Minions aren’t that good at planning! By last night, they were all completely out of socks and underwear. The counselors came to me with their woes, and I offered to do a few loads of “essentials”.
Honestly, it has been one of the most joyful experiences of my summer! All those itty-bitty, colorful socks, tiny little swimsuits, and multicolored, microscopic panties! There was even one little outfit that looked a whole lot like a purple tutu. I’ve enjoyed handling every teensy garment. Never had a little girl of my own, so it’s been a new—and fun—experience.
A Word about Gaby
Itzel Gabriela Torres Nazarala is a dedicated and compassionate individual who strives to make a positive impact on others. As a counselor, her focus is on being true to herself and leaving a good impression on those around her. In her role as an counselor, she upholds the camp's values with honor and integrity.
Gaby's favorite camp activities include hiking and gathering in groups to share and listen to stories. Beyond camp, she finds joy in listening to music, drawing, singing, and dancing.
Originally from Tabasco, Mexico, Gaby currently resides in Puebla. She pursued a major in architecture at BUAP. In addition to her degree, she has pursued additional studies in computer programs, construction, and design to enhance her skills and knowledge.
In her free time, Gaby enjoys running, with her most recent achievement being a 15 km run. She has aspirations to participate in a half marathon in the future. Keeping herself updated with the latest trends in her field and continuous learning are important to her. Her most recent course was a diploma in interior design.
Though initially shy, Gaby's true nature shines through, showcasing her loyalty and kindness to those around her.
Orange Juice, Coffee, milk
Cold Cereal
Hot cream o 'wheat
Scrambled Eggs
Patty Sausage
Cheese Grits
Cinnamon Toast
Sloppy Joes
Boiled Corn/Potatoes/Sausage
Cabbage Slaw
Iced Tea, Water Ice Cream
Fried Eggplant/Zucchini
Italian Green Beans
Cesar Salad
Italian Bread
Iced Tea, Water
Thought O'
The Day
The Day
"I can't think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself."
June 7, 2023 - Division Night
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Tonight we held a Fun-Filled Equestrian Gymkhana for Seniors and Teens! The highly anticipated Sr/Tn Gymkhana event left participants exhilarated and filled with fond memories. Riders and helpers made their way straight to the Big Arena following their sixth-period activities. The event kicked off at 5:45 PM, as seniors and teens eagerly saddled up and took the reins for an exciting display of equestrian skills. Sisterhoods gathered to cheer on the participants before joining the counselors at the Grandstands.
Tonights activities were done by division:
Sophomores: Water Fun
The heat of the evening was no match for the sophomores who enjoyed in a thrilling Water Games Extravaganza. Dressed in their swimsuits, they beat the heat with a splashing good time. Laughter filled the air as they competed in various water-based challenges.
Juniors: Tie-Dye Night
The grooviest trend of all time made a grand comeback during the Juniors' Tie-Dye Night at camp. Led by the creative duo, Kelly Calcote and Gill Estes, the juniors spent a memorable evening exploring their artistic side. Participants brought their own garments to transform into vibrant masterpieces. For those who didn't have one, a hand-me-down shirt was available.
Seniors: Project Runway
The seniors unleashed their inner fashionistas and participated in an exciting fashion challenge inspired by the popular TV show, Project Runway. With only tape and newspaper, they showcased their creativity and design skills, creating stunning ensembles that wowed the audience. It was a night filled with fun and laughter, and we might have a few future fashion icons.
Teens: Karaoke/Dance Party Night
The teens lit up the night with their electrifying Karaoke and Dance Party extravaganza. Embracing their inner pop stars, they belted out their favorite tunes, showcasing their vocal talents and dazzling dance moves. Laughter, cheers, and applause filled the air as the teens sang and danced, creating an unforgettable night of pure entertainment.
June 6, 2023 - Common Ground
Sunday, June 6, 2023
Today marks a special day as Carissa S. celebrates her 16th birthday!
Early in the morning, our first group of elite riders tried out for their chance to participate in the quadrille. The chosen riders for this esteemed team include Alyse K., Ann L., Catalina R., and Emmylou V., with Kate R. and Palm W. serving as alternates.
We also have a group of eight girls who will continue advancing their horseback training with Advanced Riding at Camp Stewart. The First Team comprises Annelle L, Eleanor L, Olivia L, and Palm W, while the Second Team consists of Alyse K, Olivia M, and Emmalou V.
Along the way to and from their horseback adventures, the campers took delight in the abundant peaches hanging from the peach trees.
We were fortunate to experience a pleasantly cool day, thanks to the presence of a few clouds that offered a refreshing break from the heat.
With the conclusion of all tryouts, we expect to see the necessary schedule adjustments made.
In the evening, a joint ceremony called Common Ground united the Sisterhoods to announce and swear in the newly appointed officers.
Powerful Thunderbirds |
Officer |
Strong Crossed Arrows |
Sofia R |
Fire Lighter |
Addie R |
Emma F |
Teen Secret Keeper |
Carissa S |
Rachel S |
Senior Secret Keeper |
Tobin H |
Mackenzie F |
Junior Secret Keeper |
Polly P |
Eleanor L |
Sophomore Secret Keeper |
Alanna B |
Betsy B |
Minion Secret Keeper |
Lucy B |
Palm W |
Teen Song Leader |
Emmylou V |
Ella C |
Senior Song Leader |
Lexi S |
Coco A |
Junior Song Leader |
Mabel B |
Madelyn W |
Sophomore Song Leader |
Claire P |
Claire M |
Minion Song Leader |
Ivy M |
Betsy M |
Teen Way Shower |
Dani G |
-none- |
Senior Way Shower |
Safford H |
Hunter H |
Junior Way Shower |
Josephine K |
Emily S |
Sophomore Way Shower |
Ameya M |
Mae M |
Minion Way Shower |
Charlotte H |
Ann L |
Story Teller |
Riley H |
Alex N |
Story Teller |
Mia M |
Ellie S |
Story Teller |
-none- |
Georgia C |
Sponsor |
Karoline K H |
Joey O |
Sponsor |
Izzy P |
A Word about Montse
Montserrat (Montse) Vega Guzman is a first year counselor at The Heart.
Her passion for gymnastics and cheer shines through in her engaging activities with campers.
When back home, Montserrat enjoys exercising, watching movies, and preparing desserts.
She is currently pursuing a degree in psychology at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Puebla, where she is in her sixth semester. Montserrat's achievements include participating in a national contest called "Pandillas Científicas," where she developed a cream utilizing aloe vera to combat acne.
Additionally, she proudly represented her university in a cheerleading competition.
Looking ahead, Montse aspires to become a successful child psychologist.
With her sociable nature and eagerness to help others, Montse thrives in creating meaningful connections with her girls.
Montserrat is a valuable member of the staff team, bringing her diverse skills and passion for making a positive impact on the campers' lives.
Orange Juice, Coffee, milk
Cold Cereal
Hot Oatmeal
Scrambled Eggs
French Toast
Meat loaf w/tomato gravy
Garlic mashed potatoes
Buttered cabbage
Black-eyed peas w/onions
Iced Tea, Water Ice Cream
Chicken Pot Pie
Sautéed Squash Medley
Sautéed Fresh Spinach
Homemade cinnamon Rolls
Iced Tea, Water
Ice Cream
Thought O'
The Day
The Day
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
June 4, 2023 - Fire Lighter Elections
Sunday, June 4, 2023
What an extraordinary start to our first term of camp!
Despite it being Sunday beyond our gates, at The Heart, it felt like a vibrant "Tuesday." We wasted no time in starting our regular activities and girls went through their TTS schedule, ensuring that tomorrow we can seamlessly transition into a normal MWF routine. The morning witnessed campers joyfully riding horses at the stables, while art classes delved into their first projects. The tantalizing aroma wafting from the cooking class, where they were concocting a delectable pasta dish, filled our office with a mouthwatering smell.
We are thrilled to celebrate the early accomplishments of our campers in their chosen activities! Olivia R and Jenna A have already achieved new riflery ranks. Holly W and Kate R received new achievements in archery.
Today, the Sisterhoods met for: the election of their Fire Lighters, the most esteemed position. Amongst the candidates, there were five aspiring Crossed Arrows and four Thunderbird nominees. The Thunderbirds had to conduct a runoff election involving two candidates. The outcome of these elections were announced during the highly anticipated Mountain Top meetings held this evening. It brings us great pleasure to introduce our new Fire Lighters for the First Term of 2023: Sofia R, who will lead the Thunderbirds, and Addie R, who will guide the Crossed Arrows. We have no doubt that these remarkable individuals will excel in their roles as leaders of their respective Sisterhoods.
A Word from
The Heart
The Heart
Hello back home!
With camp in full swing, we want to make sure you don’t miss a minute of the action!
If you are reading this, then I would bet you have found the Daily Updates from Jane, our daily photos and where to send your camper emails.
This year we have five wonderful people on our media team! These girls not only work on the media staff, but are serving as counselors in cabins with your campers! They work very hard to make sure to get you the best insight into camp each day!
Our goal is to have yesterday’s news and photos up by 10:00 AM each day. However, sometimes our internet isn’t always as cooperative as we would hope (like this morning), so please understand that they may be a tad late some days.
Another great way to view photos, news, etc. is the new Campanion app. I know quite a few of you have already downloaded the app and submitted your “training photos” for the facial recognition software. But for those of you that haven’t, you are not going to want to wait any longer. Download the app, and experience summer camp updates like never before.
We hope you are enjoying the ease of access for photos, emails, and microposts through Campanion!
As always, please let us know if you have any issues with CampInTouch, Companion, or any concerns at all while your camper is at The Heart.
Orange Juice, Coffee, milk
Cold Cereal
Hot oatmeal w/trimmings
Scrambled Eggs
Blueberry Muffins
Fried Chicken/Chicken Nuggets
Cream Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
English Peas
Buttered Corn
Homemade Rolls
Iced Tea, Water Ice Cream
Chicken & Dumplings
Steamed Rice broccoli Spears
Maple Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Homemade Rolls
Iced Tea, Water
Thought O'
The Day
The Day
"You are the one that possesses the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness."
June 3, 2023 - Opening Day of First Term
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Opening Day was a resounding success, exceeding all of our expectations. The campers arrived, creating a steady stream of cars with only a handful needing to make a quick return trip to drop off forgotten items. Even with a slight delay, the buses arrived promptly at 2pm as scheduled, ensuring a seamless start to the camp experience.
As the campers settled into their cabins upon arrival, they wasted no time immersing themselves in the camp activities. The transition was so smooth that we suddenly found ourselves ready to gather in the Village for an all-camp welcome meeting. This lively gathering featured introductions, entertaining class skits, and detailed instructions to kickstart the day's events.
Following the meeting, we started on the exciting task of selecting classes and conducting swim evaluations.
For supper, we upheld the cherished tradition of serving pasta with meat sauce, followed by mouthwatering cookies for dessert. Some may have questioned the choice of spaghetti on the first night, considering the white attire worn for the Opening Ceremonies. However, there is a purpose behind this seemingly unconventional decision. Spaghetti is a beloved favorite among campers and serves as a comforting meal, intended to facilitate the settling-in process for everyone.
After supper, campers prepared for Opening Ceremonies where our new campers would be sorted into their new sisterhoods. Former campers enthusiastically gathered in their sisterhoods, while new campers gathered at the Ark, eagerly anticipating their turn to draw a bead.
The counselors sang the girls with a heartfelt song, Jane read the Legend of the Guadalupe, and the Sponsors shared the privileges and responsibilities of belonging to a Heart Sisterhood.
Excitement filled the air as the newbies were called forward one by one to draw their beads
Opening Day was an extraordinary beginning to our camp adventure, leaving campers and staff alike brimming with enthusiasm for the days ahead.
Caridee A |
Aria A |
Samantha B |
Mox B |
Royar B |
Eva B |
Lily B |
Kendall F |
Tilly G |
Piper H |
Maddalena J |
Saige L |
Mae M |
Camila R |
Lilly R |
Maya V |
Hailey V |
Aubrey W |
Lucy B |
Erin B |
Isabel C |
Piper D |
Nanda G |
Charlotte H |
Avery H |
Ella J |
Josephine K |
Ameya M |
Marely N |
Elsie N |
Lucia P |
Kami R |
Fiona S |
Naia S |
Charleigh S |
Emma W |
Elena Z |
A Word from
The Heart
The Heart
Camp is here! From the first moment that your campers set foot here this summer, we’ll be sharing photos and updates. From big events to everyday activities, this is how we’ll share the magic with you.
If you haven’t downloaded the Campanion app and uploaded your camper’s training photo, make sure to do both before the first day of camp.
After you download Campanion, use your CampInTouch Account email address and password to log in on your phone. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see an option to upload a training photo of your child. This enables the technology to identify your campers and receive notifications whenever they appear in camp photos.
If you’ve already taken these steps, just sit back and enjoy all the amazing moments we’ll share this summer.
Soup and salad bar
Caesar salad
Bread sticks
Thought O'
The Day
The Day
Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.