This little Triple S camper tried to touch the moon! The stargazing was wonderful, too.
We love Triple S, when the moms come and join their daughters at The Heart for some traditional camp activities. Often during the summer, there is so much administrative stuff going on that I am “stuck” in the office (it isn’t a bad place to keep tabs on what’s happening around camp).
But Triple S is different. It’s a small enough group that I get to be a camper and a counselor, leading or just participating in all the activities. Because it’s Labor Day weekend, we can abandon the office, guilt free.
The best part for me, though, is interacting over time in an informal way, with the moms and girls. It’s not war canoe, but there is something about this leisurely flowing conversation and doing things together that bonds us in a wonderful way.
So when Triple S came to an end on Monday, we all got a big nap. By Wednesday, Monique and Meghan were recovered enough physically and missing their camp fix enough to volunteer to help at Stewart’s mother-son Triple S the very next weekend. Or maybe it was the meals? 🙂