K, Dylan Heart Camper

My Heart Story – Dylan K.

Editor’s Note: We could tell you how amazing Heart O’ the Hills Summer Camp for Girls is, but that would be no fun. So we asked our Heart Campers to share their experience about camp.  Periodically we will post a camper’s “Heart Story”. We hope you enjoy reading how camp makes a difference in girls’ lives every day.

Today’s story is from second generation camper, Dylan K. Dylan’s counselors say she is friendly, determined, gets involved in everything a camp, is loyal and polite. Besides having fun, she has developed good self care, gained self confidence and pride in her accomplishments over her summers here. Here’s Dylan:

K, Dylan Heart Camper“This is my seventh year at The Heart. While being here I’ve been able to be my true self. Camp has provided me with a healthy atmosphere because I’ve made bonds with people that will last me a lifetime. Camp is also my safe haven where I laugh until I cry, make friendships with counselors and I exercise daily in both a fun and productive way. The food here both tastes good and can be healthy for you. At camp, you also get the sense of independence that you need as a teenager.

“The transformation into a teen is hard. You need all the help you can get for the change, but you also have to learn how to do things on your own and be yourself. Camp gives you the freedom and support you need to be yourself. Not only do you feel safe and comfortable being you, but you have people here who accept you. At The Heart, I know that I can be who I want to be and not be judged.”

If you would like to share your Heart Story send it via Facebook messenger. We can’t wait to read it!

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