I’ve always loved the heart as a logo

I’ve always loved the heart as a logo. It has felt right and conveys the message that this is the place where people are kind to each other, where there’s courage and compassion and generosity of spirit.

Lately, though, I’m even more convinced that Heart O’ the Hills was aptly named!

First, we held an alumnae reunion about two weeks after Hurricane Harvey erased big chunks of Rockport and Port Aransas, then flooded everything from Sugar Land to the Sabine River and beyond with a catastrophic Reunion 2017- Attendeeslack of mercy that has never been seen before.

One person’s suggestion

Our large-hearted alumna and present summer nurse, Georgia Griffith Fulenwider, asked our permission to post a plea for alumnae heading back to The Heart to bring a gift card or other donation that we could pass along to Heart families who have felt a blow from Harvey (pardon the pun).

Hurricane DonationsWe received and are distributing at least 50 gift cards totaling more than $1,600 from places as diverse as Toys R Us to Home Depot and Lowes, to Whataburger and ChicK-fil-A. Purely organic effort from the hearts and wallets of our former campers and counselors that we didn’t initiate or push.

Icing on the cake

To top that off, we received an email from a camper family that lives along the Texas coast saying how blessed they feel, and announcing their gift of $25,000 to each Heart O’ the Hills and Camp Stewart for camperships! They added that  “it would be really special if you have camp families impacted by Harvey get some help to stay in camp,” and “We don’t need any recognition, but you can say that a camp family donated if it spurs other donations.”

Big, big hearts indeed!

About the Author

Jane Ragsdale

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Jane Ragsdale (Mrs. Dick Howell) is the director of Heart O’ the Hills. She was a Heart camper and counselor, and served as program director from 1978-87. She has been one of the owners since 1976, and director since 1988.

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