What a strange new world we are living in now.
Social what?
Social distancing (an oxymoron!) is imperative, and yet it’s way outside of human nature for us to live remotely from one another. Humans have evolved to cleave to our clans, we long for interaction and community and connection. This is hard by nature, not to mention the challenges of balancing teaching, feeding and entertaining our children–while we as adults are trying to hang on to our work, our routines, our very sanity!
Get some exercise

This too shall pass. Please do your best to stay healthy. You know what to do: keep your hands clean, cover your cough, keep your distance. I would add: eat well, sleep sufficiently, and connect remotely with those you love and think about. Be sure to get some exercise.
In that vein, I recommend getting outside. These days are beautiful with the onset of spring (warm but not hot, few bugs, flowers and trees beginning to blossom and bud). The smells of spring are back, the birds are riotous, and many animals are having young. Turn your attention to Mother Nature, and you will see that COVID-19 isn’t bothering her! Within distancing guidelines, take walks. Most people have a green space near where they live.

Things to do out there
Take a camera and document the growth of a flower or other plant. Keep an eye on birds’ nests and observe how the little family evolves over time. Or keep a journal of your observations. Take a paper clip outside and see if you can gather up a dozen items smaller than the paper clip. Bring them in and arrange them artistically, or give them personalities and invent a story about them.

Indoor activities
Think about those hobbies and things you’ve always wanted to do. Knit? Embroider? Read a classic novel (and then watch the movie)? Jigsaw puzzles! Gourmet cooking (if you can gather the ingredients, LOL)! Sketching or painting! Long ago I became familiar with the technique of looking at someone and sketching them without looking down at your paper. Try it, you might surprise yourself!

Some resources
Here is a list of other resources that we have compiled:
Talking to kids of all ages about COVID-19
General tips for family sanity
Free reading resources for all ages
Virtual tour (Statue of Liberty)
Resources for all ages from HappiFamily
Remote classrooms for Pre-K and younger from HappiFamily
Best wishes, all! Keep in touch with each other and with us (while keeping your distance, LOL). Jane–