Arriving at The Heart, I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do- until I heard about the Heart LITe Program. Reflecting on my formerly unruly seventeen year old self, I was blown away by this group of selfless, confident, and enthusiastic girls.

My first act as Head LITe was scouring all the binders in the office for anything on LITe lessons. There wasn’t much. Arming myself with a couple of Michael Brandwein books, the internet, and the passion to teach the lessons I needed at seventeen, I started working. For weeks I sat at my computer writing, and rewriting, a leadership program.
My original program wasn’t fantastic, but every lesson incorporated several tenants of servant leadership. The lessons were both tangible and abstract to ensure engagement as well as defined learning moments. I felt good about it. Then the interviews came. After about the third interview, I had a better understanding of the caliber of ladies that were applying to the program. I needed something better to offer them.
After stuffing all the leadership lessons into my brain as I could at conferences, I improved the program. While I was learning what could be better, I was also learning that a lot of my instincts were correct. So I went home with shiny new ideas for the LITe program, and started sewing them in.
The Real Leadership Lesson

Then COVID happened. COVID, demanding all hands on deck in such a way that left no room for LITe lessons, shelved my lessons. Except, leadership doesn’t fit into a neat little package.
Leadership doesn’t ask for a place- it creates one. This summer our LITe lessons weren’t my neat little packages, but rather, impromptu lessons tailored to the circumstances. They were hands-on and spur of the moment, just how life is. However, I am eager to implement my structured program in the upcoming years.
My goal is to dismantle the concept of innate leadership. Leadership is learned, and cultivated through intentional practices. By bolstering each girl’s character, I intend to send off a more resilient, capable, and experienced young woman than the girl who first arrived.
The Heart O’ the Hills Leaders-in-Training program is designed to charge young women to answer to themselves, lead with a servant’s heart, and through their actions, inspire others to lead as well.
“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” –Harvey S. Firestone
Have fun, get some sleep, and make good choices. <3 Kimber