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Heart Ownership Comes Full Circle

Fun fact: Doc Stewart established Camp Stewart for Boys in 1924, and Heart O’ the Hills in 1928. The ownership was soon split up. Yet a half century later, the properties came again under a single umbrella. Here is how that unfolded. Doc Stewart’s life, in mid-career, came to a horrible end in 1929. Accompanying a group of inn guests …

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A Camp is Its People

So much that makes a camp a camp is the people. Here is the story of the people who turned Heart O’ the Hills Inn into Heart O’ the Hills Camp. Heart O’ the Hills Camp was born of dual tragedies. It’s actually sort of a phoenix story, because it began when the inn burned down in November of 1947, …

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Our History: Heart O’ the Hills Inn, est. 1928

It’s hard for us campers to imagine just how recently Heart O’ the Hills Camp as we know it now was even a possibility. The history is unusual, but one of love and tenacity. Here’s the tale. Nearly a century ago, the Texas Hills Country was certainly a different place, very rustic. Kerrville was barely on the map at all …