The Big Tree

The Big Tree has limbs that are so heavy they touch the ground. It worries me that they could split off in a big wind or a rain that lades the branches more. They are heavy with pecans, and otherwise the tree looks quite happy. We have had a pair of local certified master naturalists come and look; they referred …

Required fun (August)

About a year ago at the annual fall meeting of CAMP (Camping Association for Mutual Progress), held at Camp Olympia, we learned of their custom of Required Fun. The concept is that people who work in the camp office trudge in day after day and interact over the computer and phone, easily forgetting how most of the constituency thrills at …

University factor

Today is Deen’s 22nd birthday. He graduated from Marine Military Academy in June three years ago, and swore he would never again cross the threshold into another classroom. Claimed he had been wanting to drop out of school since fourth grade (I didn’t notice it until ninth grade). So he spent the last three years in the School of Hard …

Santa Fe wedding

Right after camp, Dick and I were able to attend the wedding in Santa Fe of Kathlene Ritch and Scott Noakes. I met Kathlene on the day she was born in downtown Kerrville (where the hospital used to be). Her mother had been my sophomore English teacher and class sponsor the previous school year, and her three older brothers were …


We have a summer kitchen staff member from Poland who has come to camp seven of the last eight summers, Joanna. She makes the homemade ice cream and the salads and salad dressings. She likes to stay after camp and work a few weeks rather than travel, although she does tour New York City for a few days each year …


Monique is on safari! Her dad makes custom knives, normally with exotic handles made of unusual antlers or bones. They are active in Safari Club International, and often set up a booth at conventions of the sort. Not infrequently, there are fundraisers, with big-ticket items being auctioned off. It was at such an event that Monique’s dad bought a safari …

Triple S musings

We love Triple S, when the moms come and join their daughters at The Heart for some traditional camp activities. Often during the summer, there is so much administrative stuff going on that I am “stuck” in the office (it isn’t a bad place to keep tabs on what’s happening around camp). But Triple S is different. It’s a small …

What do we do the other nine months?

Monique reads a lot about the internet and the World Wide Web, specifically social media, and how to use it effectively. And she has been telling us for some time that we must post a blog. Not once a week, but daily. Really? Do people really care to read everything that crosses my mind each day? I know I am …

Polocrosse Play Day

In preparation for the National Polocrosse Tournament, Camp Stewart hosted a play day this past weekend. Even with all of the rain, we were all able to get out on the field and get some good practicing in. Heart campers Seton Uhlhorn and Jessica Stevens were able to make it down to participate. The girls were able to play against …

2012 Camp Stewart Jr. National Polocrosse Team Announced

With polocrosse becoming very popular this summer at camp, I am excited to announce that the 2012 National Polocrosse Tournament will be held right here in Hunt, Texas at Camp Waldemar. Everyone in the area is anxiously getting ready for the tournament. Between Heart O’ the Hills and Camp Stewart, we had a lot of really talented polocrosse players. Six …