Receiving mail is one of the highlights of a camper’s day. Your campers cherish postcards, cards and letters! Please write early and often.To encourage writing, send addressed and stamped post cards to camp with your camper. It is very helpful to drop a letter off at the office when you leave camp, so she will receive a letter on the first day. Also you may want to mail a few letters a couple of days prior to her coming to camp. Mail can be very slow in Hunt, TX! Please address all letters to:
Camper Name – Cabin Name
Heart O’ the Hills Camp
2430 Hwy 39
Hunt, TX 78024
While our preference is good old fashion U.S. Mail, you may also email your camper while she is here and we will print and deliver to your camper just like regular mail. Emails are printed at 10:00 a.m. daily, to ensure that they are sorted and distributed by mail collection at lunchtime. To send your camper emails, you will need to login to your CampInTouch account and follow the steps below.
- You must purchase CampStamps in order to send email. Click the “CampStamps” link at the top of the page to manage your CampStamps
- Select the check box next to the camper you wish to receive the email. You may select more than one camper. You will be charged one CampStamp for each camper you select.
- You may also choose an optional stationery or game for an additional CampStamp.
**We do not print our emails in color!** - Write your message in the text box.
- After composing your email you will find a box with the option, “I would like a handwritten reply to this email.” This service will cost an additional CampStamp. These emails get returned to your inbox just as soon as your camper turns them back in to us. This process is not quite as simple as you might think! Because of our no-electronics policy, your campers handwrite a response to you. Once it has been turned in to the office, it is faxed to CampMinder using a system called MyFax. With the barcode printed on the side of the paper, the reply is delivered to your inbox!
- You may preview the email before you send. Hit the “Send Email” button at the end of the page to submit the email.
Any happy letter is fun to receive, but if you want to send a special treat try a few of these suggestions from a long time camper mom:
- Send a magazine, paperback, or crossword puzzle book.
- Check out the Postagram App. This is a great way to send your camper a picture from home. It is free to download, fast and user-friendly. Pictures arrive in a postcard sized format, and the girls LOVE them.
- Write a message in code, but make it simple enough so your camper is not discouraged if she can not figure it out.
- Remind grandparents, neighbors, siblings, pets that it is ok to send a little note to their camper.
- Write a post card to everyone in your child’s cabin. On each card, write a word or part of a sentence, number the cards. Tell them to put the card together to read the message.
- Paste a letter, hand drawn picture of magazine photo on a piece of cardboard and cut into puzzle pieces.
- Send newspaper/magazine article about someone the child knows (only if good news) or on a subject that she is interested.
- In recent years (particularly with the increased popularity of services like, the number of packages sent to Camp has increased, and it can often be overwhelming for campers to receive so many packages and trying to keep up with everything. Please try and refrain from sending more than 1 package a week (if any).Reminder: All envelopes that are thick and/or larger than letter size will need to be opened for inspection because of our camp policy. Food/Candy will not be stored and is discarded.
There are so many ways to communicate with your camper, but if you have any questions for us while your camper is here, remember that families are welcome to call the office at any time to speak with Monique, Jane, Laura, Karen or Kaisha. We are happy to have a conversation with you about your camper’s experience and happiness any time!