Opening Day for First Term and 1A is two weeks away!
That means it is time to start your daily COVID-19 Health Check!
It’s a quick look at symptoms and temperature. In an attempt to make the process simple, CampMinder has created an easy two-minute form that you fill out each day. Simply go to our home page, scroll down and on the right, there is a prominent box that says, “CampInTouch Login.” Click on that, and enter your email and password (the one you set up while registering your camper for the summer). It will take you to a welcome page, and right at the top you will see “Complete the Daily Health Check Questionnaire.”
To make it even easier, this form is available in our new app, Campanion. If you haven’t downloaded the app, follow these simple steps:
- Download the Campanion app
- Login to the app using your Camper Account login and password
There, you will see the prompts for the daily COVID-19 Health Check. It is that easy!
Just as a reminder, if you prefer to not use the online tool, you can use the Pre Arrival Screening form instead. You can find this under “Forms and Documents” on CampInTouch or the Campanion App.
Let us know if you have any questions. We can not wait to see you at camp!