Inspiration abounds! and Spring Reading

What a wealth of inspiration we have acquired! Monique, Katie and I have spent several weeks (each) at conferences and training events over the last three months. Our training has taken us to Michigan, Boulder Colorado, Nashville and Marble Falls Texas! They have been hosted by CampMinder, The Summer Camp Society, CODA (Camp Owners and Directors Association), EPIC (Emerging Professionals …

Spot’s Guide to Attending Camp

Editor’s Note: Spot has been at The Heart for 11 summers, and she has learned a thing or two about how to succeed at camp! Spot is quick to make friends, and likes to show people around. She even writes an advice column in  our weekly summer news magazine, The Heart Beat. Despite the fact that she lives on the …

What Camp Can Teach us About Life

Every day at camp there are always life lessons to be learned. Whether it be an advancement in archery, a new level reached in swim class or even a wonky shaped pot put together in pottery, there’s always new skills to learn at camp! Along with all these super duper new skills learned here at The Heart, there is so …

Questions to Ask Your Camper on the Way Home

Camp will officially end today for summer 2017. We are all sad and will soon be feeling the “camp blues.” As you prepare to pick up your campers and drive them home, we have some pointers for you. Each car ride will be different but here’s some fun camper inspired questions you can incorporate into your drive back home. Avery D., …

4 Things Your Camper Learned This Summer

It’s hard to believe that camp is almost over and school will be starting soon. The saying “time flies when you’re having fun” was in full effect this summer. As we reflect back over the Tribe meeting, fun field days, tepee nights and Ice Cream at Jane’s house, we sometimes overlook the lessons learned. The changes in growth of campers …

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Managing Food Allergies at a Summer Camp

The thought of sending your child to a summer camp for the first time with anallergy can be unsettling. At Heart O’ the Hills, we have become professionals in managing food allergies, and teaching non- food allergy campers how to assist others who have allergies. Food allergies can be life-threatening. In our dining facility we have a chef who focuses …

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6 Reasons Why I love Heart O’ the Hills

This was my first time attending Heart O’ the Hills Camp for Girls in Texas. As a first year camper, I had a lot of opportunities and moments that contributed to why I love camp. I can tell you that it was hard to pick a few. Here are my six reasons on why I love The Heart. Pizza Night: …

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It’s Not Arts and Crafts, It’s Fine Arts

When I started planning the art lessons for this summer, it was back in December of last year. My main focus was for the campers to have fun, to have a variety of projects, and to use different artistic techniques. Little did I know that these heart girls would get so much more out of their art classes and would …

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7 Aspects that make The Heart Great

Times are changing but Heart O’ the Hills Summer Camp is the same today as it was in 1953. The prestigious history of excellence, traditions and values remain consistent. There are 7 aspects that continue to make The Heart great.and aid in upholding Activities Thanks to Katniss, archery’s popularity is back, but finding an archery range at home to practice your …


Has your camper not written home as much as you wanted them to? Have they only written two sentences? Are you worried sick? I promise, if you answered yes to any of these questions, it just means that your camper is having a blast. Here at The Heart, we have a jam packed schedule from 7:35 a.m. until 10 p.m. …