There is no better feeling than finishing a summer knowing you made a difference in a child’s life. Here’s your opportunity to do just that. Working at camp is more than just a summer job, it’s an unforgettable experience full of growth and unbreakable bonds. We’re excited to announce that applications for 2019 summer staff are now open! Explore the …
My mission for GROWTH
Growth. A word that describes a betterment of an individual, group, or situation. Here at camp, we are continually searching for ways to improve. Whether it’s through our programs, staff training, leadership development, or even the ice-cream – our goal is to provide the best camp experience. To help develop skills and ideas to push camp to the next level, …
Courage: “Thoughts from an old camper”
How do girls learn courage? We asked our former campers if they had learned anything from camp—and they surely did! Nelwyn Harman Reagan tells her story of courage, but modestly doesn’t mention the fact that she was elected Pawnee Chieftain in 1959! and I’m certain that running for that high office—taking the risk of sticking her neck out to ask …
Active lifestyle: My Heart Story–Jessica A
Editor’s Note: One of the great things about camp is the healthy, active lifestyle. Even if you’re not an athlete, you move around a lot, whether you’re playing or just getting from one place to another. All that spent energy enhances mood, mental alertness–and isn’t bad for looks, either! In our description of camp, the H in “HEARTS“ stands for Healthy atmosphere. …
Self reliance: My Heart Story — Chloe B
Editor’s Note: Self reliance, simply put, is the ability to find out for yourself the resources for your needs–both intrinsic and extrinsic. One of the best things about going to camp is navigating the ins and outs of each day without the sheltering presence of the family. Camp is a place where girls are safe to try new things and …
We are so thankful at The Heart and Stewart
Editor’s note: We have so many blessings, large and small, past and present, sprinkled with hopes for the future. These are Kathy’s words, knit together with input from all of us on year-round staff at both Heart O’ the Hills and Camp Stewart. A thankful heart is a happy heart, and our cup overfloweth! ‘Tis the season for THANK …
Facing fears: My Heart Story – Abby R.
Editor’s Note: Camper Abby R. says that facing fears is such an important thing for her. We could tell you how amazing Heart O’ the Hills Summer Camp for Girls is, but that would be no fun. So we asked our Heart Campers to share their experience about camp. Periodically we post a camper’s “Heart Story”. We hope you enjoy …
Our Favorite Moments from the summer
Every summer at “The Heart” is special in its own right, and this summer was no different! Each day brought something new to laugh about and here are just a few of our stand out moments from the summer: First of all, our very own version of the STEM program! STEM here stood for Scotland-Texas-England-Mexico! For the first time ever …
What Camp Can Teach us About Life
Every day at camp there are always life lessons to be learned. Whether it be an advancement in archery, a new level reached in swim class or even a wonky shaped pot put together in pottery, there’s always new skills to learn at camp! Along with all these super duper new skills learned here at The Heart, there is so …
Camp is my happy place!
“From my very first day of camp where I picked my tribal bead to present day, Heart O’ the Hills has always held a special place in my heart. I have been attending this camp for nine years. Throughout my time, I have gained more skills and intuition than I do at home in the off-season. I constantly practice table …